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A Biologist in Paradise

Roger gosden a biologist in paradise
by Roger Gosden
The author celebrates a love of nature and science in this collection of 40 essays and memoirs. They reveal deep curiosity about biology, including our fellow creatures, and his concern for planetary and human health. Not a science book for scientists nor a nature book for naturalists, it is offered to everyone who shares those cares, and not only for information but also contemplation. Stories are seasoned with humor and quotations from favorite writers and poets. The straight-jacket of academia was cast off for the freedom of writing in a hopeful tone for an anxious age.

Available on Amazon

Let There Be Life: An Intimate Portrait of Robert Edwards and His IVF Revolution

Lettherebelife kindle
By Roger Gosden
The authorized biography of IVF pioneer Robert Edwards is a compelling account of how he led a medical and social revolution by making babies in ‘test-tubes’. Prevailing against immense opposition when human embryology was new and sacrosanct territory, he was the champion of people with infertility, and now millions more owe their existence to assisted reproductive technologies. An improbable hero of science, he was the son of a coal miner who almost failed his first university degree, but the gritty Yorkshireman rode a roller-coaster of emotions and obstacles to a breakthrough for which he was rewarded with a Nobel Prize and knighthood. After the first IVF babies, he became an entrepreneurial clinic director and publisher, but, alas, never received so much acclaim for the foundations of embryo stem cell science and embryo screening for heritable diseases.

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in print and Kindle.