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Become A Valuable Member.

The Chesapeake Bay Writers (CBW) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people write. The yearly membership is made up of published and aspiring writers from Williamsburg, Gloucester, Rappahannock, Yorktown, Newport News, Virginia Beach and other surrounding areas. Membership in the CBW provides the following benefits:


  • Five annual meetings with informative speakers or workshops

  • Advance notice & priority registration for CBW-sponsored events

  • Member discounts for luncheons and workshops

Writing Opportunities

  • Eligibility to compete for cash prizes in an writing competition, the Golden Nib, sponsored by our parent organization, the Virginia Writers Club

  • All Stars Competition: Our local competition at the annual Gala luncheon where peers vote for the winners.

  • Yearly Anthology through Blue Fortune Publishing

  • Write articles for the bimonthly newsletter


  • Email subscription to the CBW Newsletter that is published six times per year containing:

  • Announcements of new books

  • Information about upcoming workshops

  • Marketing ideas

  • Accolades for member achievements

  • Articles for and by members

  • Information on writing webinars, conventions and more


  • Members are listed in the Directory on the CBW website with links to their author information

  • Members' books are included in the online bookstore with a link to purchase them

  • Speakers Bureau: If you give presentations, we'll put your information on the website for all to see

  • CBW Author Book release interview with Neal Steele on Xtra 99.1 every second Monday

  • Announce your newly published book in the newsletter

New Member
This is for people who have had a lapse in membership or have never been a member of the CBW.

Renewing Member
This is for current members who wish to renew for the following year. 

  • New Member

    New members, $35.00 for the current year until December 31.
  • January Membership Renewal

    For current members. If your membership has lapsed then you must rejoin as a new member.
    Valid for 12 months

High School Student memberships are available.
Please email

Chesapeake Bay Writers
A 501c3 Non Profit
Founded in 1991, Chesapeake Bay Writers is a chapter of the Virginia Writers Club. CBW serves writers from the Middle Peninsula, the Northern Neck and Williamsburg and adjacent areas. 
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