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Author Bio

My name is Timothy Blair, 50-year-old male. Byron
Michael Blair was my first son who passed away in 1997 from SIDS. I myself was in an
accident 24 December 2021 whereas I fell into my inground fire pit and somehow
managed to crawl out. 30% of my body received 3 rd degree burns, mainly my core, front
and back, and arms. My life and mind were transformed as a result of this accident. I am
a recovering addict; alcohol was my drug of choice. I have come to love writing and it
has been the one thing, along with meditation, that holds me together. I would love
nothing more than to be published one day, but unsure my works are good enough. I will
one day write on my experience of life before and after my accident. I love helping
others, as life is full of suffering, mentally, physically and spiritually, but there is a path
out from that suffering. I have a purpose in life and intend to fulfill it. They told me had I
been any later getting to the hospital I would not have made it and when they decided to
take me off the ventilator, they were unsure if I would live, and miraculously turned
around to recover. 2022 was a very hard year in many ways, but here I am. I attempt to
cherish every moment as if it may be my last.

Additional Info

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