Mary Ann
Author Bio
An educator for 27 years, Mary Ann has taught grades K–7. In addition to working in the classroom, she was a resource teacher for a Chapter 1 program in an inner-city school, and a gifted specialist in a large suburban school system. This wide range of experience gave rise to her passion for differentiation and broadened her understanding of the challenges facing teachers “in the trenches.”
Teachers lack two things: time and materials. Taking time pressures into account as well as other teacher concerns, Mary Ann develops instructional materials to make their job easier. As a result, she frequently is called upon to conduct teacher in-service workshops and to speak at statewide Teacher conferences.
Mary Ann's approach to differentiation is unique. From her years of experience in diverse classrooms, she believes the current emphasis on strategies often overlooks the time-consuming effort that teachers must make to implement those strategies in the classroom. That makes for a powerful deterrent. Accordingly, she focuses not on the strategies per se, but on timesaving tools that simplify the teacher's task.
Mary Ann's newest book, Differentiation Made Simple: Timesaving Tools For Teachers, is now available from Prufrock Press to hear her 2009 interview with talk show host Neale Steele and Click Here for Pre-publication Reviews.
Mary Ann is past President of both the Chesapeake Bay Branch (Virginia) of the National League of American Pen Women and the Chesapeake Bay Writers ,a chapter of the Virginia Writers Club. She also served until 2012 on the Board of Directors of The Bay School Community Arts Center in Mathews County, VA.
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