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Author Bio

Adam DeAngelo is an aspiring writer passionate about honing his craft and sharing compelling stories with the world. With a focus on creating vivid characters and exploring complex themes, Adam seeks to connect with readers through thought-provoking narratives. He is eager to grow as a writer and collaborate with others in the Chesapeake Bay Writers community.

Additional Info

I consider my writing a process that is constantly evolving, much like me. As of now I am just starting to solidify my own voice comfortably, a voice I hope shows in my work. The majority of my stories revolve around the human condition within the Fantasy genre, using this genre to be convey the philosophical links that binds us, showing the intricacies of the human spirit for good or bad. When writing, I do not look at a specific genre -per-say, but rather a compelling story that shows existential substance that reflects humanity’s vices and dreams. Yes, my love revolves around fantasy, but at the same time I look to keep it grounded by avoiding tropes and formulas other frequently use in today’s modern works. I take this approach to make things relatable. My processes in of itself is organic, where I have an idea of key parts of the story, but the characters and narration naturally lead me to those parts. I do not write to cater to a specific group, but rather to find peace and solitude, to escape the world in which we live. One of my favorite things about the craft is the flow, where I write ten thousand words in a single sit down, looking at the clock and realizing, “oh my, four hours passed already?” This escape is what keeps me invigorated, by engrossing myself in the page I am at large, reading the story much like a reader, removing myself from the world along the way.

Chesapeake Bay Writers
A 501c3 Non Profit
Founded in 1991, Chesapeake Bay Writers is a chapter of the Virginia Writers Club. CBW serves writers from the Middle Peninsula, the Northern Neck and Williamsburg and adjacent areas. 
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