Author Bio
Roger became a writer, publisher, and master naturalist after an academic career in physiology and embryology that arced from Cambridge to Cornell. Now affiliated as a visiting scholar at William & Mary and a master naturalist in Virginia.
The theme ‘peace with nature’ offers unfathomed depths for a writer to explore through experience and research. He calls these posts ‘pensées’. Neither prescriptive nor commercial, they are driven by curiosity of a beautiful and bountiful world desperately in need of better care.
Although a lover of the outdoors from childhood, he had to become a semi-urban creature for social and practical reasons. But he understands why Rat cautioned listeners in Wind in the Willows: “Beyond the Wild Wood comes the Wild World… I’ve never been there, and I’m never going, nor you either, if you’ve got any sense at all.” We who dwell in the human society he dreaded need to reconnect with nature and cherish it for the sake of our anima and posterity.
Roger the Blogger has now partnered with Inge Curtis, a nature photographer and fellow master naturalist. She posts a North American Bird of the Week with our brief description. For permission to use her watermarked images contact
There are no ads here or profits made from posts, nor from book sales through Jamestowne Bookworks, which are donated to charity. Working now for pleasure is liberation from the chains of turning labor into an income-earning occupation, but our efforts are enriched by your Likes and Comments. Please respond and subscribe for Updates. Thanks.
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